Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finding Nemo Commentary

So this is my video commentary for the movie Finding Nemo. I love this movie, but I love it even more now that I've taken ecology and learned more about why Nemo's father is so annoying.

PS- don't tell my mom I said that.

Project Outline

I would like to create projects for myself in selecting what kind of mash-ups/songs by finding a new restriction on each project before I begin. Such as songs of the same artist, etc.

1. Medley of Songs by the same artist.

2. Mash-up of Song with a slow tempo and a fast tempo. (More than 40 BPM difference)

3. Use one song for its verse and mash up a different song for the chorus.

4. Alter two songs of different keys to the same key.

5. Autotune song?

6. Dance Club Remix of a song.

7. Create Song using repeating melodies and overlapping (such as looping pedal)

**Some of these are subject to change. These are just ideas that I had come up with so far but the logistics of a lot of these depend on how quickly I can learn audio editing.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Audio Editing: Mash-Up

Lady Gaga Mash-Up

So I don't know if you've heard of this artist named LADY GAGA, but she's kind of a big deal. As my first post for my project, I decided to play around with Audacity a little bit more to try to create a medley using songs from the same artist. I wrote down the names of some of her songs and pulled them out of a hat to see which songs I had to work with.

Since Lady Gaga's songs have different tempos, I had to experiment with the audacity effects. Some transitions aren't as smooth as I'd like them to be because I found out that cutting parts of songs while maintaining a rhythm was time consuming.

Uninteresting Audio Story

Roommate's Story

This is my one of my roommate's story about why she chose to go to UMW. Two of my roommate's are on the equestrian team so I thought I would record this story. It actually became more of an interview than just her telling a story, but I'm hoping this turned out alright.

This took a few tries on audacity because we started bursting out in laughter during a few of the takes. This is a result of the 4th attempt are recording her story.


Beginning Race

Horse Whinnying


Dun dun dun

Car Start


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Project Proposal

For my project idea, I would like to do something involving audio editing. I've always been interested in music, so I've spent countless hours looking up new music containing mash-ups, remixes, and classical covers, and A Capella. I've experimented with basic editing with music that I've recorded and uploaded onto youtube, but nothing too fancy. When it comes to music editing, I haven't used anything more advanced than movie maker. With this project, I'm hoping to learn how to mash up songs and maybe create remixes using audacity and/or other music editing programs. If anyone has any suggestions for music editing programs/software, that would be greatly appreciated. I don't have a mac, so I'll have to get creative.