Dailyshoot 1
By Sadie
This picture was one of my favorites because I really liked the colors in the leaves. This is just before fall weather when you can see the leaves turning yellow and the veins almost look like someone drew on them with a crayon. I really liked it.
Dailyshoot 2
By Lindsay
First of all, I love small animals and I thought that this was absolutely adorable. I believe the prompt said something about picking two objects small and large that complimented each other and I think that this really fit the prompt perfectly.
Dailyshoot 3
By Ashley
Charms! I can tell by the grass and the reflection on the lady bug that this was probably taken on the quad at Eagle Landing. I think it's cute that Ashley actually has this lady bug as a lucky charm. The way she framed this in a patch of green really makes the colors pop.
Dailyshoot 4
By Professor Groom
There was no question that I thought this fit the soft and fluffy prompt perfectly. The contrast of the cat's fur on the light blue sky just made everything about this picture so soft.
Dailyshoot 5
By Carlie
I really liked Carlie's picture with reflection in the shades. I like that several people in our class took the prompt and expanded on the topic a bit. The prompt said to use a mirror, and Carlie used an ordinary object that isn't necessarily a mirror but can reflect like one. I loved this picture. Very artistic.
Dailyshoot 6
By Morgan
This is my favorite chaos/messy prompt picture. The packages and boxes stacked on top of each other are kinda cluttered but the lines they create were nicely framed. Also the reflection of everything in the walls almost makes it looks like the mess is twice as big. I loved it.
Dailyshoot 7
By Wesley
I liked this picture for the symmetry prompt but of course I'm biased because I've played stringed instruments for years. I like the way he framed the lines extending to what seems like forever. Nicely done.
By Jenn
The book shelf here is probably my favorite. I love that the books here don't have a solid size or cover so it adds variety to the bookshelf. I also really like the lighting, I'm assuming it's done through photoshop of picnik, but it was very nicely done!
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